Home urine testing for pets leads to indications of common and also uncommon dog and cat illnesses.

Before symptoms appear is the key here!!

ThePetCheckup provides important indications of potential diseases including:  kidney disease, urinary tract disease, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, kidney infections, bacterial infections, urinary tract infections, urinary bladder disease, auto-immune disease, Cushing’s disease, prostate diseases, hepatitis and other liver conditions.

Our veterinary consultants advise that the tests be done on a monthly basis between routine veterinary visits to catch potential problems before symptoms appear.

We have also had customers report to us that their veterinarians were able to detect some pretty uncommon illnesses because of early red flags from ThePetCheckup test. Seeing an imbalance with the monthly test led to further veterinary testing and potential serious illnesses were detected at early stages.  This has been the case with some liver conditions that have been reported to us. And the treatment has been successful which is so wonderful to hear!

Thank you to our customers for their feedback…..we love hearing from you!